
Clever Street Art

Van Diagram of a Saint

I learned how to make one of these in elementary school. Good looking out P.S.87

Clever Animal Ink

Whacky Japanese Post #3

A Doggy Offender

Sick Stop Animation

This is really sick stop animation. It's also really dope art. Check it out.

Stallone Singing

Skip to 1:34 in this epic video to witness Stallone lay down some ill vocals. Priceless


Hold on Ronnie

Please watch this...And then explain to me whats going on.


Empire State of Mind

Vadar kills the track, in other news Jay-z is like 45 and still dose not have any lyrics.

Interactive Advertising

Look at the bottom of the ad, it's for a funeral home.

Stevie Wonders favorite Puzzle Game

Oh wait it's still a rubix cube. Blind people would still rather play eye-spy.

A Meltdown with Colors

Not for Kids


A Segway fit for a G

The Break up

Old Tire Art

These were all made from old tires. neato

Chat Roulette Bingo: Hipster Bingo Revival

Chat Roulette has become extremely popular. A little known fact is that Bingo remains more popular. Turning Chat Roulette into a game of bingo is clever and "internet artsy" = Hipster fondness continues. Well anyway here is an idea to get you started.


Whacky Japanese Post #2

Dole goes the way of the Sun.

When You Smoke Too Much Bud

Pretty Toneys Note To Toilet Goers

Whacky Japanese Post #1

I really really can't believe I have gone this long without one of these. Its hard to get through a day without running into some absolutely whacky and unexplainable Japanese thing. Hands down craziest culture on Earth.


Getting At Nicki Lewinsky The Harajuku Barbie

I don't know about you guys but Nicki Minaj has most of the dudes in the hood strung! Heres how to do work, or lack there of.


Thats What She Said

This watch is really blunt.

Throwback Nat Geo

Got these from The New York Times, cool article, better slideshow. The slide show is the second link check it out for more sick illustration.


And 1 Soccer

I dont know if its real, but its dope. Parkour meets futbol the And 1 of soccer.

The Grand Old Roll

Instant classic

One Semesters Worth of Spanish

I usually hate comedic songs I just find them corny and not clever. However, even though this song did not take a huge amount of thought its so funny because it is so true. lol one semesters worth of Spanish.

Golden Hawks in CENTRAL PARK

Not in the streets, but in the tracks

China is soooooo bootleg

Question of the night

lolz, so true so true.



  1. Alektorophobia Fear of chickens
  2. Anglophobia Fear of England, English culture, etc.
  3. Aurophobia Fear of gold. 
  4. Bibliophobia Fear of books.  
  5. Cacophobia Fear of ugliness
  6. Caligynephobia Fear of beautiful women 
  7. Chorophobia Fear of dancing
  8. Chrometophobia/Chrematophobia Fear of money 
  9. Chronomentrophobia Fear of clocks 
  10. Coulrophobia Fear of clowns 
  11. Geliophobia Fear of laughter 
  12. Judeophobia Fear of Jews 
  13. Lachanophobia Fear of vegetables
  14. Peladophobia Fear of bald people
  15. Pteronophobia Fear of being tickled by feathers 
  16. Vestiphobia Fear of clothing 
  17. Arachibutyrophobia Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth


    The trend Kanye is not up on

    Pimp Casket, the funeral of Willie M. (Wimps) Stokes Jr,


    Whacky Animal Post #3

    Its my birthday, lolz.

    This is Fever Ray

    Used to be with the knife, sick sound really love it. If you dont know now you know. Check the website

    Darth Batman vs. Jaws

    Say wrrrrrrrrd. Dope

    More GhostFace pretty toney life

    5 dollars and pretty toney will have you gooooood, remember pb&j is still hood and also look out for that change you can fuck around and get yourself like 5 fish, also for you real starving dudes, oatmeal. Also don't shark bite.


    GhostFace knows his soap

    haha another gem from pretty toney


    A Gardner Who Is Scared Of His Plants

    Whacky Animal Post #2

    Fat Bastard

    Weekends at Dads

    Silhouette Garbage Art

    Just stuck a light behind some garbage and look what he got.

    Hottest Street In The Hood

    These two streets are located up in Manhattans own Inwood area. I have some friends that live right near there. You can be on cumming and consequently be near seaman! Dope.

    No Homo Roller Coaster Dome



    Because why not its Tyson, he'll make you his girlfriend.

    miss something of asia and or south africa like americans of usa like

    Not much of a talker

    Full Version of Boemerang blooper video with subtitles

    lolz catz

    News Bloopers rule

    Heres a bunch of real news bloopers, most of them are priceless some of them cost dearly. enjoy.

    I Hate Computers They Suck #1

    McDonalds around the globe

    Dude if you check Mcdonalds around the world you find some crazy menu items. In middle eastern countries they have the McArabia (a Gyro fillafel type sandwich in Pita) As with most things in life the Japanese always seem to do it weirder, They have a shrimp burger. In India they do chicken alternatives, lobster in Canada rice pattys in hong kong, all from McDonalds.

    Ha look at these cornballs now

    Check out the remixed trailer, laugh riot

    Clever Girl

    Dare to Dream

    Revenge is near